venerdì 25 maggio 2012

Piccoli uomini aumentano di numero....

Artiglio Mascherato non è più solo....a proposito della traccia "incidente in bici":

- Hello, how you stay?
- I stay quite well, but my leg and my arm hurts.
- When you get out and when you start at school?
- I don't know but I hope soon, I don't like the hospital.
- I and ours friends be very worrieds for you.We be go ahead with the programme of the school.
- Then when I start at school I must study.
- Yes, but how it's happened the incident?
- I was going with my bicycle when the bus come to the whole ad line and is come me against.
- But you should go that because you go much fast and you should can do really evil, in fact you have see?
- Yes, I know, you have reason.
- Now, we don't think but how eat here?
- Quite we, but the soup I don't like.
- Now I must go.
- Healthy me everyone.
- Ok, hello.
- Hello.

Sempre più basita.....

3 commenti:

  1. Consolati, my dear...pensa all'anno prossimo, quando sarai "invalsizzata" pure tu and your-our pearls!!!

  2. Beh, però se mi invalsizzano con crocette....come faranno a produrre cotanto INGENIO????

    1. soluzione: da un paio d'anni sono state inserite e potenziate domande a risposta aperta....!!!
