venerdì 5 ottobre 2012


Seconda tornata di correcscions, sempre test su Early History in the USA:
The name of the first English colony was Virgin Queen
Virgin because was their queen
The Mayflower is the bark (ossia, il bau bau del cane)
(The name of the first English colony) Elizabeth II (!!!!!!) because HE (!!!!!) married
The name of the first English colony was the native Americans
The Mayflower was a SHEEP (ossia, baaa baaa, la pecorella)
The name of the first English colony was Vergine (era lo star sign del mese scorso)
The Boston Tea Party is a ship for tea
The name of the first English colony was Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen, because she was the virgin
The War of Independence the win the Americans
The Boston Tea Party was the day of the tea of the ship in to the sea
The first 13 colonies independent from Britain because the Americans have to pay the tea
The Boston Tea Party is a people American and three sheep (ancora le pecore?!?!?) the tea in the mare
The Boston Tea Party was of angry texas
And the texas (anagramma di TAXES) were angry

Esempio di Angry Americans che attaccano le navi inglesi

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